How long can I keep the ashes in my home?
Many people who cremate a family member wonder how long they can keep the urn with ashes in their home and do not knowwhere to place it after the service.
How long can I keep the urn in my home?
It is necessary to differentiate 2 situations:
What the law says about ashes in the home
It is important to emphasize that legally speaking one can keep their loved one’s urn as long as they choose. There is no law that prohibits having the ashes in your home. This is important because if the family does not want to overspend or go into debt, they can rest easy with their decision.
They will probably want to wait a few months to recover financially and mentally from the loss of their loved one.
There is also no rule that specifies how long an urn can remain at home and the reason each person has are different situations, therefore, there is no one answer that can fit this one.
In addition, cremation gives them many disposition options such as:
- Spread the ashes in the sea.
- Divide them among your family members.
- Deposit them in a niche or cemetery.
- Store them in the house.
- Bury them in a nice place.
- Carry them in a reliquary.
What does the Catholic Religion say about ashes at home?
Some religions, such as Catholicism, pronounce themselves as follows:
The ashes of deceased Catholics may not be scattered, divided or kept at home. Nor can jewelry be created from them.
“The Church insistently recommends that the bodies of the deceased be buried in cemeteries or other sacred places.”
“The ashes of the deceased, as a rule, should be kept in a sacred place, that is, in the cemetery or, if it is the case, in a church”, or in some place with ecclesiastical “jurisdiction”.
The Vatican grants that ashes may be kept at home “only in cases of grave and exceptional circumstances”.
“The scattering of the ashes in the air, on land or water or in any other form, or the conversion of the ashes into memorial souvenirs, pieces of jewelry or other articles is not permitted.”
These are part of the new instructions of Catholic doctrine.
After how many days of having the urn in the house, can a person have a problem with his church?
At the moment there is no explicit rule, that is, it is not possible to define a good or bad time, because this depends on the circumstances of each family.

Where can I find niche information?
Fortunately in Bonita we have created a comparison of churches, funeral homes and cemeteries in different cities that offer the service of niches. In this comparative you will find their price, number of urns to deposit, telephone numbers and names.
- Niches in Aguascalientes.
- Niches in Hermosillo.
- Niches in San Luis Potosi.
- Niches in Cancun.
- Niches in Merida.
- Niches in Tijuana.
- Niches in Mexicali.
At the end remember that if they decide to keep the ashes in their home or place them in a niche (or cemetery) that is fine, the decision you make should be the one that brings you the most peace and tranquility. This is a decision that only the family should make and they should not feel pressured..
Placing ashes in a Burial Forest

Placement of ashes in a funeral forest is an alternative to traditional burial services. Instead of gathering family members in a grave, the ashes of the deceased are placed in a natural setting, such as a forest. This eco-friendly option allows family members to pay their respects in an intimate and unique way by scattering their loved one’s ashes among the trees and foliage of a beautiful forest.
A burial forest can provide a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere for families to remember their loved ones, while helping to conserve nature. The burial site may include signs or markers designating the area where the ashes were deposited, allowing family and friends to easily locate it in the future.
You can review this type of service in our green niches article.
Spreading the ashes of your loved one in the sea
It is a very difficult time when you have to say goodbye to your loved one forever. One of the ways to honor him and keep his memory alive is to scatter his ashes in the sea.
The sea has been an important part of many cultures for thousands of years, and can be a very peaceful place to scatter ashes. It helps to think that the ocean will take your loved one’s remains and make them travel around the world, connecting them with all their many secrets.
You can choose to scatter the ashes in a specific place or simply let the waves carry them away. You can also bring some mementos of your loved one, such as photographs or letters, to take with you on your final journey.

As you say goodbye, try to focus on all the wonderful memories you shared together and how those memories will always be with you. Scattering your loved one’s ashes at sea is a beautiful way for them to embark on their next adventure and for you to find peace knowing that they are still close in spirit.
You can review this type of service in our article on ashes at sea.
Remember that Boinita is a Simple Cremation Service without a Funeral Service with the guarantee of the best price and service.

At Boinita we can take care of the cremation of your loved one. Then, once we have returned the ashes to you, you can arrange a simple memorial service that is perfect for you and your family.
For more information about our service go to
Boinita offers Single Cremation services without a Funeral Service, with a fixed price and 24-7 customer service. Boinita is located in the metropolitan areas of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Hermosillo, Merida and San Luis Potosi.
In Pet Cremation Services we are located in the cities of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Merida, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tijuana and Toluca.