What to do when someone dies?

When someone dies, it is not always clear what your next step should be. There’s a lot to take care of and it can be overwhelming. We’ve created this guide to help.

We will cover all the key things to do after someone dies:

Days 1-2:

  • What to do immediately when someone dies.
  • How to find a funeral home.

Days 2-5:

  • How to register a death.
  • Who to tell in the first days after a death.

Days 3-21:

  • How to organize a funeral.
  • Who to tell in the first weeks after a death.

Days 21+

  • How to liquidate the estate.

What to do immediately when someone dies

The first thing to do when someone dies is to call a doctor, who will then issue a medical certificate of the cause of death.

If you are not the next of kin or the person named in their hospital records, then it is also important to contact them now to tell them the news.

This is what you should do after someone dies:

What to do when someone dies at home

When someone dies at home, the first thing you should do is call your family doctor to have a medical death certificate made out. If you do not have a doctor, Boinita can provide one at a cost of $1,400 pesos.

If you need someone to pick up the body, your next step is to contact your local funeral home or crematory. If you are interested in taking care of your body at home, ask your doctor or nurse for advice.

When someone dies at home, they are usually not eligible for organ donation. Inform the general practitioner and funeral director if you wish to explore this option.

But what happens when someone dies at home during the night? If the death was natural and expected, it is okay to wait until morning before contacting a physician.

What to do when someone dies in a hospital

The medical staff will be there to advise you on what happens when someone dies in the hospital. If the person who died is registered as an organ donor, it is important to inform them as soon as possible so that steps can be taken to make this happen.

Hospitals generally have a bereavement team that steps in to support families after a death. You will be given a number to contact them for more information and to make an appointment.

If the person who died lived alone, you may want to return to the home at this time to make sure it is safe and make arrangements for their pets, if they have any, before returning home.

At the hospital they will give you the medical certificate of the cause of death, advise you on your next steps and help you arrange for the collection of your belongings.

When someone dies in a hospital, their body is held in the morgue until a funeral home or crematory can pick it up.

What to do if someone dies in a nursing home

The first step is to call your primary care physician. The nursing home care staff can make the call for you and will usually give you some time alone with the person who died to say goodbye.

When ready, you can arrange for the body to be picked up by the funeral home or crematory.

What to do when someone dies in an accident

Call 911 as soon as possible to request an ambulance and police. Stay in line with the operator and follow his instructions. Try not to modify too much the area where the person died.

When someone dies unexpectedly or under suspicious circumstances, paramedics and police will contact the coroner, who will then investigate the cause of death.

The coroner will usually arrange for a funeral home to pick up the body and take it to the morgue for an autopsy. This does not mean that you are obligated to use that funeral home to arrange the funeral.

When the coroner has determined the cause of death, they will provide you with the appropriate forms to register the death and release the body for burial. This may take some time.

How to find a funeral home, what to do when someone dies

How to find a funeral home after someone has passed away

A funeral home can pick up the body of the deceased and assist you in arranging the funeral. For this reason, finding a funeral home is often at the top of the list of things to do after a physician certifies a death.

If you don’t already have someone in mind, you can use our “Simple Cremation without a Funeral Service” service. Simple Cremation without a Funeral Service “in which we offer the best service at the best price.

Once you have chosen a funeral home, the person who has died will be picked up, but you must register the death before funeral arrangements can begin.

How to register a death

When someone dies, their death must be registered with the government. It is best to do this at the Civil Registry Office nearest you. In this type of procedures, Boinita can help you and it is already included in our package.

If you are in Mexico you should register the death within the first few days, preferably the day after the death.

Who can register a death?

To register a death, they must go:

  • Two close relatives of the person who died (ideally)
  • Someone from the funeral home as a witness.

What do you need to register a death?

The main things you need to bring to register a death are:

  • The medical certificate of the cause of death.
  • Birth certificate of the person who died (copy)
  • Your INE card, passport or official ID (copy)
  • Your marriage certificate (copy)
  • Official identification of the person who will be responsible for the service (original and copy).

Once you have registered the death, the Civil Registry Office will give you:
The Death Certificate and the Death Certificate.
Registering a death does not cost anything if it is on a weekday before 7 pm. It is a good idea to obtain three or four official copies of the Death Certificate for later use.

Whom to tell in the first days after a death

Telling people about a death can be emotionally very difficult. If possible, share this task with close relatives or friends of the deceased.

If each of you volunteers to notify others, this can facilitate this task. Here’s who to notify shortly after someone passes away:

  • Friends and relatives of the deceased.
  • Your boss or employer.
  • Your university or school.
  • Your primary care physician, if you have not already contacted them.
  • Your landlord, if you have been renting a home.
  • Your own boss, to request permission to be absent.
  • Health and social care professionals, to cancel any upcoming appointments.
  • In the coming weeks, there will be more people and organizations to call, but this should be enough for now.

Whom to tell in the first weeks after a death

Who do you inform when someone dies, other than family and friends? Once you have registered a death at the Civil Registry office, you can begin notifying government and financial organizations, as well as various businesses. We have created a list of who to tell when someone dies here:

Governmental organizations to notify after a death:

When registering a death, it is important to remember these types of government offices as well.

  • If the person who died had a firearms license, report it.
  • Infonavit.

Financial organizations to notify after a death:

  • The bank.
  • Pension providers.
  • Credit and store card companies.
  • Insurance companies.
  • The mortgage provider.

Other companies and organizations to notify after a death:

  • Utility companies (gas, water, telephone, electricity)
  • Internet Service Provider

How to liquidate the estate of someone who has passed away

Remember to make your will

When someone dies, their estate (their money, property and assets) must be transferred to their heirs.
Often referred to as“probate,” the estate administration process can take between 9 and 12 months.

Remember that Boinita is a Simple Cremation Service without a Funeral Service with the guarantee of the best price and service.

At Boinita we can take care of the cremation of your loved one. Then, once we have returned the ashes to you, you can arrange a simple memorial service that is perfect for you and your family.

For more information about our service go to http://boinita.com

Boinita offers Single Cremation services without a Funeral Service, with a fixed price and 24-7 customer service. Boinita is located in the metropolitan areas of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Hermosillo, Merida and San Luis Potosi.

In Pet Cremation Services we are located in the cities of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Merida, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tijuana and Toluca.