Cremate a Relative, how do you know that the ashes do not belong to another person?
Cremating a family member, how do you know that the ashes you receive do not belong to someone else?
It is impossible to declare that cremated ashes returned to a family member are 100% of that person. The likelihood of mixing is inevitable. But ashes that are extraneous to the person being cremated should be no more than 1% of the total ashes.
Types of cremation ovens
This is simply because most of crematoria ovens are composed of a brick-like material and naturally contain ash in the cracks and crevices of the floor, making 100% cleaning of a space heated to 1600 degrees difficult.if not impossible.
The ashes in modern crematoria are raked front or center with a large metal brush into an opening in the furnace floor that allows them to fall into a collection tray for easy transport to the next process.
In addition, the crematory operator is operating in a legal manner with high ethical standards.

Cleaning process in cremation furnaces
Before placing the body in the cremation oven, the area is cleaned and then the cremation of the body begins. You don’t have two or three people at the same time, just one ata time. Once the ashes are cleaned, another body is placed.
A labeling system is also used to avoid mistaken identity.
Therefore, it would be unlikely to be confused, operators are very careful not to mix incinerated ashes.
Some crematories allow family members to be present when the cremation process begins. Although in times of Covid-19 this measure is temporarily prohibited by health agencies to protect family members from possible contagion.
Remember that Boinita is a Simple Cremation Service without a Funeral Service with the guarantee of the best price and service.

At Boinita we can take care of the cremation of your loved one. Then, once we have returned the ashes to you, you can arrange a simple memorial service that is perfect for you and your family.
For more information about our service go to
Boinita offers Single Cremation services without a Funeral Service, with a fixed price and 24-7 customer service. Boinita is located in the metropolitan areas of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Hermosillo, Merida and San Luis Potosi.
In Pet Cremation Services we are located in the cities of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Merida, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tijuana and Toluca.