Is it possible to keep your loved one’s ashes at home?
Keep your loved one’s ashes at home?
As more people opt for cremation, one of the reasons is the multiple options available beyond a traditional burial. While burial of ashes is commonplace, many choose to have their ashes interred in a grave in their cemetery, placed in a niche or choose a scattering service.
A recent survey found that 20 percent of those who choose cremation as a means of final disposition opt to have their ashes stored at home. The reasons are interesting; despite cremation and its many options increasing in popularity, 1 in 5 families mention that they have decided to keep the ashes of their deceased loved one at home because:
- They are unaware of other options available to them.
- Because it is the most economical way of disposal.
- They feel closer to their loved one.
- Cemeteries are far from home.
- Because the deceased wanted it that way.
- The ashes may be divided among family members.
- The new generations are constantly changing residences.
- It is the decision that brought them the most peace of mind.
There is certainly nothing wrong with placing your loved one’s urn in a nice place in your home. In addition, it can stay for an indefinite period of time in your home and then make a final decision on where to place it.
New ideas on how to scatter ashes
Some companies offer memorial spaceflights for your loved one, taking their cremated remains aboard an airplane. Families may choose to scatter the ashes in low Earth orbit.
Another way is to send your loved one off in a blaze of glory by incorporating your scattering into a mesmerizing fireworks display. Combining the memory of a loved one with such an inspirational event helps some cope more easily with the entire grieving process.
One of the options that is gaining momentum is to incorporate their cremated remains into a plantable urn that will soon produce a tree. This option gives family members and future generations the chance to revisit their loved one while giving back to the earth in the greenest way possible.
We hope to see this type of protected green cemeteries in several cities in Mexico soon. In the United States, Better Place Forests is testing the concept with good feedback.

Keeping your loved one’s cremated remains at home is permitted.
Keeping your loved one’s cremated remains at home is a viable option. It is important to be informed about the many options available after the cremation and memorial service occurs.
Some religions prohibit having ashes at home but it must be understood that legally it is totally allowed. There are many advantages to having the ashes in your own home and it is up to the family alone to make this decision. In the end, this option is something to be taken calmly.
Remember that Boinita is a Simple Cremation Service without a Funeral Service with the guarantee of the best price and service.

At Boinita we can take care of the cremation of your loved one. Then, once we have returned the ashes to you, you can arrange a simple memorial service that is perfect for you and your family.
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Boinita offers Single Cremation services without a Funeral Service, with a fixed price and 24-7 customer service. Boinita is located in the metropolitan areas of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Hermosillo, Merida and San Luis Potosi.
In Pet Cremation Services we are located in the cities of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Merida, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tijuana and Toluca.