Planning a Funeral: Six Things You Should Know
Organize a funeral your way
A death can bring with it many emotions. Our affection for our departed loved one can become stronger and our need to arrange a funeral can create stress about “getting it right”.
During this whole process, don’t worry and organize a funeral taking into account these six points:
Step #1. No reason to rush
Take the time to create a meaningful memorial service for the family member who passed away and the family, friends and colleagues involved.
Step #2. Check all sources of money
Funeral expenses can generate large debts, but you may be able to access savings, state support, charitable grants, credit, or support from friends and family.
Step #3. It’s your choice
There is no legal requirement (law) that obliges you to hire a funeral home, embalm the person who died, buy a casket, buy flowers or rent a hearse.

Step #4. Compare prices
Funerals are expensive and prices between funeral homes vary greatly, so at least get three detailed quotes; you could save a lot of money.
Step #5. Do it yourself
If you hire a simple cremation service which is the most economical and gives you the most options of what to do once the urn is delivered to you. You yourself can organize a gathering (when you prefer) at your home, a mass or a burial of the ashes in a place that your relative enjoyed very much.
We have seen cases where family members split the ashes to be closer to their loved one.
Step #6. Make it meaningful
You can create a unique and personal ceremony without overspending. Consider the funerals you have attended in the past and remember what made them unique. Words, music and actions can be much more powerful than expensive cars or caskets.
Remember that Boinita is a Simple Cremation Service without a Funeral Service with the guarantee of the best price and service.

At Boinita we can take care of the cremation of your loved one. Then, once we have returned the ashes to you, you can arrange a simple memorial service that is perfect for you and your family.
For more information about our service go to
Boinita offers Single Cremation services without a Funeral Service, with a fixed price and 24-7 customer service. Boinita is located in the metropolitan areas of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Hermosillo, Merida and San Luis Potosi.
In Pet Cremation Services we are located in the cities of Aguascalientes, Cancun, Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez, Leon, Merida, Puebla, San Luis Potosi, Tijuana and Toluca.