
Currently browsing: wake
  • What to give at a wake? What to offer to bereaved friends?

    Meal delivery services(Rappi, UberEats, Didi, etc), gift cards, a house cleaning and even disposable dishes can be well-liked gifts for someone suffering a loss.

    After the death of a family member, having to deal with grief and the overwhelming pending issues ahead such as:

    sell or rent your home.

    Keeping your belongings.

    Adopt your pet

    Beginning to imagine […]

  • What to do after cremation?

    What options do we have after cremation?

    In the past, end-of-life options consisted only of burial in a cemetery. Cremation services offer flexibility and personalization that burials do not. Today their final resting place may be a forest, an ash reliquary, a niche, etc.

    Cremation is currently one of the most popular options. This increase can be […]

  • Can You Hold a Non-Religious Funeral in Mexico?

    Questions about non-religious funerals

    Funerals can be religious or non-religious depending on the beliefs of the person who passed away; it is a personal choice.

    Although having a funeral in a religious manner used to be considered traditional, attitudes are changing. Last year, non-religious funerals increased by 18%.

    What is a non-religious funeral called?

    A non-religious funeral is […]