
Currently browsing: duel
  • How to avoid mistakes after losing a loved one

    The death of a loved one is a very powerful event in our lives. An irreparable loss leaves an indelible mark that will mark us for the rest of our lives. With his departure, it is not only that person who leaves us physically, but also a part of us leaves with him. Our shared […]

  • How to return to work after a death?

    The death of a family member is one of the most powerful experiences in life. The first thing people do is reject the news. Time passes and one begins to accept that our loved one is no longer with us.

    The next few days your brain begins to remember the important moments and one realizes how […]

  • What to give at a wake? What to offer to bereaved friends?

    Meal delivery services(Rappi, UberEats, Didi, etc), gift cards, a house cleaning and even disposable dishes can be well-liked gifts for someone suffering a loss.

    After the death of a family member, having to deal with grief and the overwhelming pending issues ahead such as:

    sell or rent your home.

    Keeping your belongings.

    Adopt your pet

    Beginning to imagine […]

  • Advice on baby loss and miscarriage

    Pregnancy loss and miscarriage

    Just a warning before reading this post: the subject matter and content we are discussing in this article are difficult. We provide answers and information in an attempt to destigmatize pregnancy loss. If you are dealing with the loss of a baby, our heart and support is with you.

    Did you know that […]