
Currently browsing: funeral
  • Planning a Funeral: Six Things You Should Know

    Organize a funeral your way

    A death can bring with it many emotions. Our affection for our departed loved one can become stronger and our need to arrange a funeral can create stress about “getting it right”.

    During this whole process, don’t worry and organize a funeral taking into account these six points:

    Step #1. No reason to […]

  • What to Do When Someone Dies Abroad?

    A Guide to Repatriation

    If your loved one dies outside of Mexico, there are some steps that must be followed to carry out the repatriation. Repatriation can seem complicated, so we have prepared a guide:

    Step #1: Inform the relevant authorities

    The process is a little different depending on whether you are in Mexico when your loved one […]

  • What are the different types of cremation?

    Types of Cremation

    When it comes time to honor the memory of our loved ones, the process can be overwhelming. A good way to limit stress is to gather information and use it to make a decision about how to proceed with the cremation service.

    There are three main types of cremation services:

    Traditional funeral service (prior to […]

  • Can You Hold a Non-Religious Funeral in Mexico?

    Questions about non-religious funerals

    Funerals can be religious or non-religious depending on the beliefs of the person who passed away; it is a personal choice.

    Although having a funeral in a religious manner used to be considered traditional, attitudes are changing. Last year, non-religious funerals increased by 18%.

    What is a non-religious funeral called?

    A non-religious funeral is […]

  • Why do I want to be cremated instead of buried?

    Why do I want to use Cremation?

    Cremation makes sense for many people for several reasons; it requires no emotional involvement, no fancy casket , no expensive real estate or family crypt.

    Environmentally it makes sense as it eliminates the whole body decay process. We come from the earth and can return much more efficiently if we […]

  • 5 reasons why cremation is better than burial

    Why is cremation better than burial?

    When it comes to funeral services, just 10 years ago, someone wanting to be cremated was very rare. However, according to several surveys, today, almost 75% of people prefer to be cremated rather than buried, regardless of their religious beliefs. But why is cremation gaining so much momentum? Here are […]

  • Why do many people prefer to be cremated rather than buried?

    Most people prefer to be cremated

    Finances are an important factor in choosing cremation, but there is also much more flexibility. Families have many more opportunities to personalize the way they honor their loved one. Most funerals are “dress in black, kneel and pray in front of his body, inside a coffin”. With cremation you can […]

  • Can a person who had an accident or suicide be cremated?

    Cremation in people who had an accident or suicide

    According to Mexican law it is not possible to cremate a person who had an accident or suicide, cremating a person erases any type of evidence that clarifies the lack of an organ, as well as the causes of death.

    Cremation of bodies that suffered violent death is […]

  • Who will take care of my dog or cat when I die?

    Pet care after the death of an owner

    Whether you think of your pets simply as your loving companions, or as your (admittedly, very furry) children, you want the best for them, so it’s natural to worry about what might happen to them if you die before they do. Who will take care of pets after […]